Out-door movie screening 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny' @ Fri, 7th Feb 20
Des: 7th Art brings us together.
Local Hood Official connecting HK neighbourhoods & Blue House, Wanchai, invite you to the outdoor screening of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny. This is a 2016 American-Chinese firm directed by Yuen Woo-ping and written by John Fusco, based on the novel Iron Knight, Silver Vase by Wang Dulu.
Intro to the film by the Kung Fu loving co-producer of the Movie, Bey Logan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama with a pinch of Romance.
WHERE: Blue House, Wanchai
TIME: 6:30pm. DURATION: 105m😀!!
FREE EVENT. REGISTRATION MANDATORY: https://tinyurl.com/yzqo29ka
NOTE: Free seating! We recommend participants prepare outdoor chair or mat
WHEN: Friday, 7th of Jan.