ON-LINE Kids B🧒🏼👦🏽k Club & Activity Gr🧒🏼up: Sat, 15 Aug 20
With spike in Corona virus infections, social distancing measures are here again. For our younger friends who are bored stiff 😒😒 we bring some fun🎉🥳!!
Team #Localhoodofficial connecting HK neighbourhoods initiative, is happy to invite your kiddies to our FREE ON-LINE Book Club & Activity Group 🤩🤩.
In this session, LocalHood volunteer @WinnieTse will read a story to the kids and teach them how to make paper flowers.#Beatthevirus #Downwithcorona
Recommended age for this session: 4-7yrs!!
Date: Sat, 15th Aug; 10am onwards via ZOOM (appx1 hr)
In the Kids Club: Winnie will read 風吹過,粟米田 (Wind Blows over the Cornfield) by Oxfam We will be making Purrfect Butter Popcorns (from scratch, without Microwave 😀)
3 tablespoons coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil
1/3 cup of high quality popcorn kernels
1 Tbsp or more (to taste) of butter (optional)
Salt to taste
Registration: https://tinyurl.com/yapqhjc3
Zoom details will be send to the participants closer to the event date