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Giving back to the society: Ideas for Teenagers

My 15YO daughter just finished her IGCSCs and had a full 2-month summer ahead of her. She had been dreaming since weeks of weeks of the after exams sleeping till late mornings, late nights watching or chatting with friends over the phone, study-free lazy days – all this without her mom’s constant nagging. I being her mom, was dreading exactly that!!

I thought it might be a good idea that my daughter could be something constructive in addition to making her summer dream of lazying around, come true. Victoria, a fellow volunteer at LocalHood suggested that my daughter work in a Charity. Victoria right felt that in our own busy lives in HK many of us forget that there are many out there, for whom life is not a celebration but a succession of struggles. Thankfully, there are various big and small charitable institutions that work tirelessly to make life better for them.

I pondered on the idea, which seemed to offer an important additional benefit than just constructively occupying my daughter. An internship or work experience, even though short term, gives young people a view to in the world of the disadvantaged be it the elderly, pets or the poor.  

Victoria had some experience in the charity space so quite knowledgeable about HK NGOs. She researched charities who take teenagers as volunteers or interns, which we share with you below.


1) Impact Hong Kong ( It’s mission is to work with people experiencing homelessness to help them settle in a safe home, restore their mental and physical wellbeing, build their self-esteem and social capital and discover their purpose.

Impact HK, organises Kindness walk, distribution of food for homeless people where Teenagers can help out. Eligibility: 16 and up or 15 year old + with parental guidance.

2) Kids4Kids ( This charity’s moto is Youth empowering youth. It ignites the power of kids to develop social responsibility, take positive action, and inspire other kids to make the world a better place.

Teenagers aged 14 and up are accepted to help out in activities like Buddy Reading Program.

More generally, secondary schools students can actively participate in the Kids4Kids programs, as well as contribute through volunteering, fundraising and helping achieve the Kids4Kids mission.


3) Mother’s Choice ( is a charity serving the many children without families and pregnant teenagers in Hong Kong. It hope to change the life stories of vulnerable girls and babies.

Through their Student Volunteer Program, Mothers’ choice accepts high school students who wish to understand the issues faced by Mother’s Choice and gain some work experience.

MC also has the Youth Leadership Council (YLC) program which is a youth-centered advisory group designed to provide leadership development for student members as well as facilitate teamwork, build youth confidence and strengthen student skills with problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration. This program emphasizes authenticity, ethics and collaborative decision-making and enhances learning outside of the classroom.

4) Food Angel: Food Angel is a Hong Kong–based food rescue organization. The organization is supported by local and international food donors, sponsors, and charity partners.  

The charity accepts volunteers aged 16 and up in their soup kitchen, to help prepare and sort raw vegetables, prepare meal boxes or help serve hot meals to beneficiaries.

5) Breadline by HKFoodWorks ( ): Breadline is an initiative by HKFoodWorks, an NGO based in Hong Kong. It is a web application that connects volunteers to bakeries to collect surpluses just-in-time for those who need it. It is Hong Kong’s first public digital platform for food rescue. It accepts Teenagers who wish to take part in the collection from bakeries.


6) Catherine’s puppies (for more info, whatsApp 6799 7530): Catherine's Puppies rescue dogs and have a small shelter based in Sai Kung and provide care for rescue dogs until they're homed.

Catherine’s Puppies accept student volunteer who are aged 14 and up to help out in their events such as adoptions days. 

7) Crossroads ( Crossroads Foundation is a Hong Kong based, non-profit organisation that acts as the link between those who are in need with those who can provide help.

At Crossroads year-round part-time internships which are flexible, are available to kids 14 and up. They also have summer internships which run for 10 weeks during the HK summer. Interns are expected to attend full time, Tuesday through to Saturday, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm each day.

8) Centre for Refugees ( Centre for Refugees is Hong Kong’s first and only drop-in community centre for asylum seekers and refugees, providing life changing services for people who are often fleeing war, violence and persecution, who deeply deserve care, recognition, safety and a big welcoming smile.

Student interns are accepted from age 15 and up. Depending on the needs of the moment and keeping in mind the interest of the interns, you may be doing digital filing, talking to refugees or helping with events.

Though the list above was created with young adults in mind, many of these charities are also welcoming of adults, who wish to volunteer. So go ahead take your pick and contribute to our HK community.

Note: Listed info is the information was procured either through calling the Charity or through the internet, as of the summer of 2024. Parents are encouraged to double check with the charity directly, the eligibility in terms of age and the type of opportunities available to their Teens, as needs of Charites are susceptible to change


Happy Volunteering 🦃🙏 from all of us at Localhood !


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