Indoor Movie Nite @ Tues, 5th July @7pm
A Michael Mann movie set in Hong Kong, with action and a dose of comedy/romance.
Not wanting to spill the beans but we will give you this: "Blackhat" is a term used for a computer hacker and that's what the movie is about.
Excited?? So are weš!
Registration mandatory šā¤ā:
WHEN: Join us on Tue,5th July @ 7PM onwards. Movie will start on time so please come 19 mins before show time. Butter Popcorns will be provided. Please feel free to get drinks/snacks to share šš.
WHERE: Island Crest Clubhouse, 5th floor, 8 first street, Sai Ying Pun
EVENT CONTRIBUTION: 40HKD/per participant by PayMe 61098138 OR
Bank transfer to HSBC 607-152626-888 (with a comment "LocalHood Movie Nite July 2022").
Pls send the bank transfer receipt, as applicable
Note: BYOB, Please bring drinks/snacks to share. Popcorns/Chips will be provided
