Let's beat Corona: List of social activities per risk level
All of us have had enough of the Corona. Many of us are mostly staying home allowing ourselves only selected activities/contact with the outside. But which of these activites/contacts are riskier than the other?
A LocalHooder, @Velda Kwan, came across a list of social activities that we in Hong Kong usually do, according to their risk level which she spontaneously translated that into English. It's a useful and handy reference in light of the present new Corona wave in HK. Take a read...

1.拆郵件 (1)
2.餐廳外賣 (2)
3.汽車油站入油 (2)
4.打網球 (2)
5.露營 (2)
6.超市購物 (3)
7.與人群一起散步、跑步或騎自行車 (3)
8.打高爾夫球 (3)
9.在酒店住兩晚 (4)
10.坐在醫生候診室 (4)
11.去圖書館或博物館 (4)
12.在繁忙的市中心逛街 (4)
13.去公園 (4)
14.在別人家吃晚飯 (5)
15.參加燒烤Party (5)
16.去海灘 (5)
17.到商場購物 (5)
18.送孩子上學或日托 (6)
19.在辦公大樓工作 (6)
20.在公共游泳池游泳 (6)
21.拜訪親戚或朋友 (6)
22.去美髮沙龍或美容院 (7)
23.在餐廳裡面吃飯 (7)
24.出席婚禮或葬禮 (7)
25.搭飛機旅行 (7)
26.打籃球 (7)
27.踢足球 (7)
28.問候朋友時擁抱或握手 (7)
29.自助餐 (8)
30.在健身房鍛煉 (8)
31.去遊樂園 (8)
32.去電影院 (8)
33.出席大型音樂演唱會 (9)
34.去體育館 (9)
35.參加宗教儀式超過 (9)
36.去酒吧 (9)
Below is the translation of the list of 36 activities above ranked according to their risk.
Risk levels - 1 = low risk - 9 = very high risk
Risk Level 1: Mail deliveries/Courier
Risk Level 2: Food take out; gas station refilling; playing tennis, camping.
Risk Level 3: Going to supermarkets; group hiking, running, bicycling; playing golf
Risk Level 4: Staycation for 2 nights; doctors' waiting room; visiting museum and libraries etc.; window shopping during peak hours; public gardens/zoos;
Risk Level 5: BBQ parties; dinners at friends' homes; going to beaches; shopping centers;
Risk Level 6 - Sending kids to schools or daycare; working at offices; public pools, visiting friends/relatives;
Risk Level 7: Beauty and hair salons; going to restaurants; attending weddings/funerals, traveling and flying on planes; playing basket balls; footballs; shaking hands with ppl
Risk Level 8: Buffets; gyms; theme parks; cinemas and theatres;
Risk Level 9: Concert halls; sports centers; religious services/church; bars.
Stay safe, stay well and let’s beat Corona together!
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