Thanksgiving🧒🏼👦🏽n KIDS special: LocalH🦃🦃d Painted Pine Cone Turkey Workshop
FOR OUR YOUNG FRIENDS who are looking to have some creative fun🎉🥳!!
EVENTS Team #Localhoodofficial connecting HK neighbourhoods initiative, is happy to invite your kiddies to our Painted Pine Cone Turkey Workshop 🤩🤩.
It's Thanksgiving soon. American or not, why not use this day to say thank you to the people who care about you. Parents? Aunty? Teacher?...Say thank you in style!
In this session, LocalHood volunteers @ Christine and @Winnie will teach your kids how to make a lovely and colourful 🦃🦃#thansgivingwithstyle #Beatthevirus #Downwithcorona
Recommended age: 3 yrs+
Younger kids MUST be accompanied with adults!!
Date & Time: Sun, 28th Nov; 10am onwards via ZOOM( appx1 hr)
Event contribution: 60HKD per participatinng kid (+ 1 adult) by Pay me 61098138 OR Bank transfer to HSBC 607-152626-888 (with a comment "LocalHood Cone Turkey Wkshp Nov '21")
NOTE: Craft kits will be provided for pick up to participants before the activity
Zoom details will be send to the participants closer to the event date
