Valentine's Day Bracelet workshop for Kids: 11th Feb 2-3pm
LocalHood invites your kiddies to unleash their imagination with some constructive, fun off-screen craft activity!! They will learn with Queen Christine, how to make stretch bracelets that won't break!! Valentine day is could offer it to your teacher, a parent or to show love to yourself!
Suggested Ages: 5-7 years
Date n Time: 11th Feb 2-3 pm
Venue : Sai Ying Pun - Exact venue will be sent to the registered participants.
Craft Material: Will be provided at the venue to each participant.
Event contribution: 40HKD per participating KID by Pay me 61098138 OR Bank transfer to HSBC 607-152626-888 (with a comment "LocalHood Feb'23 Craft Club"; pls send us a copy of the bank transfer receipt). NO CASH ACCEPTED AT VENUE PLS!
IMP Note: Kids have to be accompanied by an adult.
